In cyberspace, people with different skin colors, nationalities, cultures and languages should be equally entitled to participation, free speech and development. 在网络空间里,不同肤色、不同民族、不同文化、不同语言的人们,应共同享有参与权、表达权、发展权。
You treat literature as poison and free speech as a crime, he said. 他说,你们把文学当成毒药,把言论当成犯罪。
But if British liberals were keen on free speech, they were much less preoccupied than their French contemporaries were with its forms and flourishes. 但凡英国的自由派对自由演讲心存渴望,他们就会在形式(方面)和繁荣(程度)上比法国同时代人少形成一些偏见。
Thankfully, my grade school and junior high school both offered free speech therapy. 幸运的是,我在小学和初中时都接受了演讲治疗。
Activities comply with the order, not free speech, left, snacking, and other assignments. 遵守活动秩序,不得随意讲话、离席、吃零食、做作业等。
This paper intends to analyze narrative strategies including the paralleled structure, multiple points of view and free direct speech to highlight the characterization and the theme of the novel. 通过细致分析《中年》的平行结构、多视角叙述和自由直接引语等叙事特征可以揭示作品在表层叙述下的深层含义以及小说所蕴涵的主题意蕴。
"Free speech is not an excuse to discriminate when government action or funding is involved," said plaintiff attorney Morton Sklar. 他还说:当涉及政府行为或资助时,言论将不能成为歧视的借口。
This paper discusses the tense and aspect of English verbs, and the important influence of free indirect speech on description of the characters, phychological movement, and the characters idea. 本研究系统分析了英语动词进行体的使用特点,并运用标记理论重点探讨了进行体的有标记使用特征。
The first amendment protects [ free] speech. It does not protect the right to use tents and sleeping bags to take over a public space, he told reporters. 他说:第一修正案保护言论(自由),但不保护使用帐篷和睡袋占用公共场所的权利。
An Allegory about the Tragic Fate of Chinese Women On the Creative Meanings of March of the Town in Xiao Hong s Works; After all, the corner of free speech will be important only in a symbolic sense. 东方女性悲剧命运的象征性寓言&试论《小城三月》在萧红创作中的意义这个言论天地重要的,毕竟只是它的象征意义。
The Old Testament prophets and the New Testament apostles demonstrate the importance of free speech by their fearless teaching of the truth and courageous rebuke of men in power. 旧约的先知和新约的使徒证明了言论自的重要性,他们大胆无惧地教导真理并勇敢地指责掌权者。
Free speech is to a great people what winds are to oceans and malarial regions, which waft away the elements of diseases, and bring new elements of health. 自由之于一个伟大的人民(民族),犹如风之于海洋和疟疾地区:它会带走疾病的因素,并带来新的健康的因素。
As chief justice, however, he put his name to some liberal opinions: for gay rights, for free speech and in support of miranda, the right to remain silent. 然而,作为首席法官,他将自己的名字放入了一些自由主义的观点中:同性恋的权利,自由演讲和支持米兰达,保持沉默的权利。
The paper focuses on the translation of direct speech and free indirect speech and thought. 分类中的直接引语和自由间接引语及思想的翻译问题是本文的主要研究对象。
As a characteristic speech mode in narrative fiction, Free Indirect Speech has been one of the major concerns of critics since it was discovered by grammarians at the end of the19th century. 作为小说话语中一种颇具特色的表现模式,自由间接引语自19世纪末被语言学家们发现以来,一直受到人们极大的关注。
There are always challenges to free speech, especially when unpopular ideas are discussed. 首先要使有教养的人之自由思想得到充分的表达。
Even if CEOs feel they have to keep quiet as holding their tongues is helpful when it comes to holding on to their jobs, free speech could be something they look forward to in retirement. 即便CEO们感到现在不得不保持缄默(因为保持缄默有时候有助于他们保住自己的饭碗),他们也可以对退休之后畅所欲言心向往之。
After all, the corner of free speech will be important only in a symbolic sense. 这个言论天地重要的,毕竟只是它的象征意义。
The second chapter analyzes indirect speech and free indirect speech and their effects in The Magic Barrel. 第二章分析《魔桶》中的间接引语和自由间接引语及其效果。
This article analyzes the stylistic effects of free indirect speech and the style of the novelist. 文章通过对哈代小说中自由间接引语的分析,对其文体效果加以评述,揭示哈代小说的叙事风格。
For the transitional economy in China, deepening economic reform and widening the channel of free speech can make GDP better represent people's desire and improve welfare level. 对我国转型期经济而言,进一步深化经济体制改革,拓宽居民表达意愿的途径,可以使GDP更好地体现居民的意愿选择,从而提高整体福利水平。
Reasonable use is a rule of the copyright law established for balancing the author's profit and the public's right of free speech and information access. 合理使用原则体现了著作权人与公众利益之间、著作权垄断与信息分享之间的平衡点。
Although lack of typical linguistic markers, free indirect speech is different from direct speech and indirect speech. 尽管它看上去没有专门的和明显的语言标记及印刷标记,但仍具有不同于直接话语和间接话语的特点。
Students 'initiative and creativity of study can be aroused according to the teaching steps of free speech, guiding reading, explaining texts and feedback of teaching. 按照自由发言、导读、课文讲解和教学反馈的教学步骤能调动学生学习的积极性、主动性和创造性。
Face more discerning, more and more unfettered pursuit of personal liberation and free speech of the audience, this control goes with the tide to keeping a low profile, and hides there. 面对越来越独具慧眼,越发不受束缚,追求个性解放、话语自由的受众,这种控制顺应潮流地韬光养晦,隐蔽存在。
The protection of free speech in the internet in the existing law has not formed a complete legal system. And there are some deficiencies in our Constitution and other basic provisions of the law. 现行法对网络言论的保障还没有形成完备的法律体系,我国宪法及其他基本法律的规定也还存在一些不足之处。
The time travel fiction readers and authors are mainly embodied in two aspects: the first is the evaluation of the mechanism of open, in the network, the ordinary readers to have free speech right, has also been criticism of the platform. 穿越小说读者与作者的互动性主要体现在两个方面:首先是评价机制的开放,在网络中,普通给读者有了自由的话语权,也有了批评的平台。
To achieve such narrative effect, two major narrative techniques are adopted, zero focalization and free indirect speech. 这一叙事效果的实现主要通过两种手段的运用,即零聚焦及自由间接引语。
The female TV programm is a unique landscape in TV industry and a space that women could free speech, show charms and talk about confusion. 女性电视节目是电视节目中一道独特的风景,是一个女性可以自由言说、展现才情魅力、诉说苦闷困惑的空间。